
Psychotherapy is the dialectical treatment of mental disorders and psychological issues that consists of regular sessions with a trained Psychotherapist.
Specifically, Psychotherapy consists of planned application of techniques derived from psychological theories, by a therapist who is trained to understand these theories and apply psychotherapeutic techniques to help the patient modify non-functional personal characteristics such as emotions, values, attitudes and behaviors. A basic condition of psychotherapy is the creation of a relationship of trust between the therapist and the patient as well as the creation of a safe environment.
There are over 400 psychotherapeutic approaches, each with its own orientation. Each psychotherapeutic approach differs in terms of structure, content, duration and outcome. The most famous psychotherapeutic approaches are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Systemic Psychotherapy, Person-Centered Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and others.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT):
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) comes from the combination of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy. As its name suggests, the therapist focuses on replacing the patient’s negative thoughts/beliefs with alternative and more realistic thoughts/beliefs, as well as on modifying patient’s non-functional behaviors. CBT is a short-term treatment that focuses on the present and is successfully applied to a number of mental disorders and psychological issues.

Systemic Psychotherapy:
Systemic Psychotherapy considers the individual as part of a whole – “system”, and not as an isolated unit. Thus, it applies to individuals, couples, families and groups.

Person-Centered Psychotherapy:
Person-Centered Psychotherapy focuses on the relationship between the therapist and the patient as well as its ultimate goal is the patient to cover his/her emotional needs and reach the maximum of his/her abilities.

Psychoanalysis was developed by Sigmund Freud who focused on the importance of the unconscious and psychosexual development. Psychoanalysis explores how the unconscious influences the individual’s thoughts and behaviors as well as explores the patient’s childhood experiences, to identify whether and which past events contribute to the current challenges he/she faces. Some of the most famous psychoanalytic techniques are free association, therapeutic transference and dream interpretation.

The patient’s characteristics are usually considered as important prognostic factors of his/her experience during Psychotherapy. This refers to characteristics such as: age, gender, reported problems he/she deals with, the presence or absence of mental illness, patient’s resistance, difficulties he/she may face during his/her contact with other people, learning difficulties, as well as temperament and personality traits. However, one of the most important patient’s characteristics is his/her attitude towards Psychotherapy. Specifically, the patients’ attitudes towards Psychotherapy are described according to their expectations from it, such as:
the desire to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the motivation to change – manage life’s difficulties, the motivation to get to know and understand themselves, the will to change some of their characteristics or behaviors as well as the desire to receive support.

Smart CNS Center provides Psychotherapy sessions by trained Psychiatrists and Psychologists for those who deal with mental disorders and psychological issues. Contact us at +30 210 440 1 440 for a more personalized approach.

Matilda Manaroli Clinical Psychologist, MSc
#smartcnscenter #psychotherapy #cbt #systemicpsychotherapy #personcenteredpsychotherapy #psychoanalysis

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